Exactly 10 days ago, a group of friends together with our families went to a waterfall somewhere in the remote foothills of Genting in Karak to celebrate a friend's birthday... sort of... LOL. The place is called Hutan Lipur Lentang.
Actually it was a prelude to a fantastic lunch at a famous restaurant sponsored by the birthday boys, yeah... two birthdays... LOL. We got our families together to let the kids (those of us with kids) experience the "wild". My kids were very excited. They were freaking out when they saw the giant ants foraging in the forest path. Out of impulse, Joel could not help trying to stamp his feet on the ants! I managed to calm him down and got him to appreciate what the ants were doing... i.e. searching for food... LOL.
I had to take this picture... the rocks looked ideal for trials... LOL.

The river was flowing very rapidly... not safe for swimming.
My two boys mesmerised by the flowing river.
Thanks to Uncle Joe, my kids had the paper binoculars to purvue their surrounding with. Blurred as hell!
The guys pointing to the tiny tree growing out from the shadow of the giant tree... :-)
There they go again with their binoculars...

The rain the night before made the river unsafe for swimming.
Fast moving water.
The river, muddy and clouded with sediments.

There they go again.

A view of the picnic site from high above on the paths.
The river flooded, almost overflowing the banks.
The picnic site. Nice and clean.
George, the birthday boy, getting rid of a leech... LOL.
All the kids going after the food... LOL.
All in all it was a fun trip. My kids definitely had fun and so did I... :-)
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